Cocktail Collection Gift Box


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Product Description

Our Cocktail Collection Gift Box celebrates our small-batch, luxury gins crafted on-site in our micro distillery, making it the perfect gift for gin enthusiasts who love to explore new flavours and appreciate exceptional craftsmanship. With six 50ml bottles plus two cocktail recipe cards for inspiration, the Cocktail Collection Gift Box invites you to experiment and create a variety of delicious drinks this Christmas and beyond.ย ย 

At Matahui, we pride ourselves on sustainable practices, from growing botanicals on-site in our budding permaculture garden to using recyclable packaging. Our commitment to the environment is reflected in every aspect of our production, making our gift box a planet-friendly choice.

Inside the Box:

  • 50ml Adventurers Gin
    Our signature gin offers a unique twist on a London Dry Gin, distilled from ten botanicals including aromatic fennel, zesty lime, and spicy horopito. Awarded a Silver Medal at the NZ Spirit Awards 2024, Adventurers Gin delivers a rich and balanced flavour profile that every gin lover will appreciate.
  • 50ml Fennel Liqueur
    Celebrated as NZโ€™s Best Botanical Spirit at the NZ Spirit Awards, our Fennel Liqueur features the distinctive taste of local fennel grown in the Bay of Plenty and offers an award winning taste.ย ย 
  • 50ml Berry Gin
    Our Berry Adventurers Gin is a lovely deep pink gin with subtle berry notes that enhance the characteristic juniper, lime, fennel, and horopito of our original Adventurers Gin. Awarded a Bronze Medal at the NZ Spirit Awards 2024, this gin provides a sweet and vibrant twist for a variety of cocktails.
  • 50ml Christmas Gin
    Traditional Christmas spices blend with hints of orange and rosemary in our limited release Christmas Gin 2024. As a sipping gin, it’s warm and spicy, evoking the cosy feeling of toasting by the fire after a day in the snow. This gin also serves as an excellent base for festive cocktails.
  • 50ml Lemoncello
    Our Limoncello is meticulously hand-crafted in small batches using traditional methods to showcase the incredibly fresh flavours of New Zealandโ€™s finest lemons. Awarded a Bronze Medal at the NZ Spirit Awards 2024, this liqueur adds a bright and zesty note to your cocktails.
  • 50ml Grapefruitcello
    Our Grapefruit Cello liqueur is meticulously hand-crafted in small batches using traditional methods to highlight the delicious flavour of New Zealandโ€™s finest grapefruit. Awarded a Double Gold Medal at the NZ Spirit Awards 2024, this liqueur brings a vibrant and tangy dimension to your creations.

Why Choose the Cocktailย  Collection Gift Box?

  • Artisan Gins and Liquers: Handcrafted with care using botanicals grown locally and on-site, our gins and liqueurs deliver unique and exceptional flavours.
  • Sustainable Packaging: Eco-friendly practices including our permaculture garden to grow our own botanicals reflect our dedication to preserving the environment.
  • Award-Winning Spirits: Recognised at the NZ Spirit Awards 2024, our spirits are celebrated for their outstanding quality including NZโ€™s Best Botanical Spirit.
  • Perfect for Gifting: Beautifully presented, making it an ideal gift for Christmas and special occasions.
  • Versatile Variety: Explore our range of six distinct spirits, perfect for experimenting with and creating a multitude of delicious cocktails.

Treat your favourite gin lover to the Cocktail Collection Gift Box featuring six small-batch luxury gins and liqueurs. Itโ€™s the ultimate gift that promises memorable moments and exquisite flavours this Christmas and beyond.

Learn more about our gin experiences, including creating a gin tailored to your taste buds. For cocktail inspiration, head to our recipe section.


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